La experiencia de la asociación en la educación matemática de niños con trisomía 21 ha sido dada a conocer por la presidenta de la Asociación en diversos congresos nacionales e internacionales:

Upbringing through mathematics: a non-utilitarian approach to Arithmetic and Geometry en 12th World Down Syndrome Congress. Chennai (India). August, 2015

Integrating history of mathematics with foundational contents in the education of prospective elementary teachers en History and Pedagogy of Mathematics. Montpellier (France) July, 2016

Integrated arithmetic and geometry for Down syndrome children en 13 th International Cogress on Mathematical Education. Hamburgo (Germany). July, 2016

Combining historical, foundational, and developmental insights to build children´s first steps in mathematics en
10th Congress of European Research In Mathematics Education. Dublín, February, 2017

Una propuesta para iniciar en las matemáticas a alumnos con discapacidad: el caso de la trisomía 21 en 5th International Congress of Educational Sciences and
Development 27 Mayo 2017. Santander (España)

El modelo de barras para la resolución de problemas aritméticos. El caso de la trisomía 21 en VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación Matemática. Madrid, Julio de 2017

Developing mathematical understanding based on geometric intuition in children with trisomy 21 en 13 th World Down Syndrome Congress. Glasgow (Scotland). July, 2018

Séguin and the arising of a formative approach of mathematics education for people with intellectual disabilities en 5 th IASSIDD Europe Congress. Athenas (Greece). July 2018

Geometrical skills support the understanding of arithmetic in children with Down syndrome en World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Glasgow
(Scotland). July 2019